علم الاستثناء کا تعارف ، فقہی مباحث میں اس کے استعمال اور اس کے مماثل علوم ،علم الفروق اور علم الاشباہ والنظائر کا تقابلی مطالعہ
An Introduction to Ilm-e-Istithnaa, its use in Fiqhi discourses and comparative study of its similar Sciences, Ilm-ul-Faruq And Ilm-ul-Ashbah-wan-Nazair
Istithnaa, Ilm-ul-Ashbah-wan-Nazair, Ilm-ul-Faruq, Istithnaa-e-MuttasilAbstract
The importance of Ilm-e-Fiqh in Islamic Sciences is fundamental to the implementation of the Injunctions of the Qur'an and Hadith. And no one denies this fact. It has been a great profession for scholars to discuss Islamic issues or discuss their details and exceptions. The knowledge that is introduced in Islamic Teachings to describe exceptions is called Ilm-e-Istithnaa. This knowledge has been used in every knowledge to differentiate between two issues or two things. The Ilm-e-Istithnaa has been also used in Ilm-e-Fiqh since its inception and evolution. But the use of Ilm-e-Istithnaa in Ilm-e-Fiqh is different from its use in other Sciences. Because in Ilm-e-Fiqh only Istithnaa-e-Muttasil is discussed. However, other types of Ilm-e-Istithnaa are also discussed in other Sciences. To distinguish between two Fiqhi Ahkaam, two other Sciences are also mentioned which are called Ilm-ul-Faruq and Ilm-ul-Ashbah-wan-Nazair. These three Sciences are similar but there is a slight difference between them which is explained in this article.
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Al Ishbaah wan Nizaair Li Ibn Nujaim, P 23.

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