Women, Rights, Disinheritance, Land Inheritance, Institutional, Legal, ReformsAbstract
The Pakistan Penal Code addresses the cruelty against women in Section 498A, especially in the context of dowries. In the event that someone dodges your way to have real estate that should rightfully pass to your female heirs, this provision exacts substantial penalties. Offenders face a maximum fine of one million rupees and imprisonment for up to ten years in the case. The section is in line with the commandment of the Most Merciful to protect the property rights of others and highlights the proportionate rights of women to inheritance. However, the usefulness of this section has been questioned, as well as the potential for misuse. Gender inequality is a significant barrier to building inclusiveness in Pakistan. One potential solution may be activating district inheritance committees and increasing the number of women taking part in such processes. The continuation of discriminatory human rights policies points out that, despite constitutional and Islamic injunctions and other forms of law, women are still not able to inherit. This failure makes clear the need for comprehensive measures to protect women's property rights.
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