About the Journal

HEC "Y" Category
PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS (An International Journal of Islamic & Social Sciences) is a double-blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal in three languages: Arabic, Urdu, and English, published by the Muslim Intellectuals Research Center (MIRC-PK) Multan-Pakistan. It is an Open-Access, Quarterly (from 01-July-2023), Peer-Reviewed Print and Online journal that has become a Multidisciplinary Academic Journal with an International Advisory Board representing various research fields. This journal is launched to promote the study of general areas of Islamic and Social Sciences (Miscellaneous).

Social Sciences Research Areas (HEC Suggested)

·   Religious Studies / Comparative Religion

·   Islamic Studies / Arabic Studies

·   Economics

·   Econometrics

·   Disaster Economics

·   Iqbal Studies/ lqbaliyat

·   Education

·   Political Science

·   Law and Legislature

·   Social Work

·   Pakistan Studies

·   History

·   Demography and Population Studies

·   Public Administration

·   Archeolog

·   Ethnography

·   Anthropology

·   Conservation Studies

·   Archival Studies

·   Special Education

·   Home Economics

·   Defence & Strategic Studies

·   International Relations

·   Peace & Conflict Studies

·   Library and Information Sciences

·   Women Studies

·   Developmental  Psychology

·   Women and Gender Studies

·   Philosophy

·   American Studies

·   Sociology

·   Area Studies

·   Development Studies

·   Rural Development Studies

·   Journalism

·   Mass communication

·   Criminology

·   Rural/ Urban Studies

·   Media Studies


Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 04 (2024): October - December 2024. PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS (PIIJISS)
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