تاریخ حفاطت قرآن مقتدمین اور متاخرین علماء کی آرا ء کاایک تنقیدی جائزہ
History of Quran a Critique of the Classical and Contemporary Review
History of Quran, Classical ViewAbstract
The Qur'an is the last heavenly book revealed to the last Prophet Muhammad al-Arabi (May Allah Bless and Peace Be Upon Him). About this book, Muslims believe that this book, as revealed to Muhammad al-Arabi Pbuh, is in its true shape without any change in the circumstances and the Lord of the universe has taken responsibility for the protection of this book. The book is neither changed in the past nor is it known in the future, but the responsibility of protecting the book is the responsibility of the Lord of the universe as He has stated in the Quran.
"We have sent down this Book and we are its protectors."
But the commentators raised the illusion of Muslims by using the sayings of the oppressed and the afflicted, that the Qur'an is not safe, in fact, it has changed, so it is important to say that wherever there is a difference in the views and opinions of the oppressed. Be corrected so that opponents are not allowed to criticize it. These research articles have criticized the views of critics and influencers for the same purpose, and cover what the Quran says about its own history.
Al-Hijr: 9
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