وائل حلاق کی کتاب’’ناممکن ریاست‘‘ کا تنقیدی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ



  • Dr Abdul Basit Founder & Chairman Muslim Research Scholars Organization / Faculty Member, Department of Islamic Studies, Virtual University of Pakistan
  • Javed Iqbal PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Sadia Shabbir PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Government College University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.


Wael Hallaq’s Book, Modern State, Islamic Law, Moral Philosophy, Impossible State.


Wael B. Hallaq is a famous Scholar of the twentieth century. He was born in Nazareth, Palestine in 1955. He is an expert in Islamic Law. He did his Ph.D. at the USA, University of Washington. He served as Assistant Professor at McGill University and taught Islamic Law. He was promoted to Professor of Islamic law in 2005 at McGill University. He is one of the leading scholars of Islamic Law. Hallaq's work has been widely debated and translated into Arabic, Hebrew, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Persian and Turkish, among others. His books and articles are a big source of knowledge to understand the oriental approach to Sharia. He has two points of view on Islamic law. In the first case, for the development of Islamic law, we must take historical, gradual, and evolutionary concepts into account. He broadly concurs with western philosophers in this aspect. This first component of Hallaq's theories' may be renamed as the theory of evolution of Islamic law. From the second point of view, Hallaq reviews how politics has affected Islamic law and daily life in the modern state and argues that this relationship between Islamic law and the modern state calls for moral philosophy to construct an Islamic state in the modern world. Without moral and ethical change in modern state, the development of Islamic state is Impossible in the world. Therefore, he called a Muslim state as impossible state to exist in modern world. There is also a disagreement with the proposed philosophy of Hallaq in view of the relationship between the modern state and Islamic law. Because Hallaq's moral philosophy is basically a secular worldview. We have discussed second point of view oh Hallaq’s ideology in this paper.


Wael Hallaq, The Impossible State (Islam, Politics and Moral Predicament), Columbia University Press, Published in 2013.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwi8SZLFe2U (Time: 12:15, Date: 09-03-2024)

Wael Hallaq, Al-Duktur, Al-Dawlah Al-Mustahilah (Al-Islam wa al-Siyasah wa Ma'zaq al-Hadathah al-Akhlaqi), 'Amr Uthman, Al-Markaz Al-'Arabi lil-Abhath wa Dirasat al-Siyasat.

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore.

Abdul Basit, An Introduction to Wael Hallaq’s works and thoughts, Al-Qamar, Vol.02, Issue. 02 (July-December 2019).

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore, page:09-18

Wael Hallaq considers fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) and Sharia as human law. However, the divine nature of Sharia is not clearly evident in his views. In many instances, he presents Sharia's divine nature in a jurisprudential context, which indicates that he does not acknowledge the divine nature of Islamic law, Sharia, or its sources.

The true concept of the "Caliphate" forms the foundation of the political matters of the Muslim Ummah. I do not believe that Wael Hallaq, considering modernity, would be willing to formulate a modern ethical narrative to solve state-related issues based on this concept.

Al-Qur'an, Surah Hud, Ayah: 88

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.60-65.

See, Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961/ The Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939/ Muslim Marriage act 1939.

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. p.12

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. p.13

This is the natural state that encourages a person to perform good deeds from an Islamic perspective. Sharia provides the principles for ethics, which are important as driving and enforcing factors. In this sense, the foundation of ethics here is also divine sources, whereas in Hallaq's philosophy, it is a learned process. (In fact, these are the debates on determining the standards of good and evil that our theologians resolved centuries ago.).

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. p.24

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.24-25

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. p.27

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. p.32

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. p.36

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.49-60

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.49-60

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.50-69.

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. p.14

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.73-76.

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.76-80.

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.93-100

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.95-110.

See, Wael Hallaq, Introduction to Islamic law, Cambridge University Press, 2009, p.20.

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.120-190

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.120-190

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.120-190

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.120-190

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2aUBB49s0Y )Time:1:00PM, Dated:03.09.2024)

Saeed Ahmad, Joseph Schacht aur Wael Hallaq ki Araa ka Tanqeedi wa Taqabuli Mutaliah (Qanun wa Fiqh ke Tanazur mein), Tehqiqi Maqala baraye Ph.D Uloom-e-Islamia (Session 2013-2018), Sheikh Zayed Islamic Center, Punjab University, Lahore, p. 278-282.

Ibn Kathir, Imam Imad al-Din Ismail bin Umar bin Kathir, Al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah: 5/248, Dar al-Fikr, Beirut.

https://www.dawn.com/news/1853956 (Time: 10:30 AM, Dated: 04-09-2024)

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.135-145

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.140-150

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. p.137

Hallaq's stance on the interpretation of the Quran and the concept of Islam somewhat aligns with that of the apostate Ahmadis. According to Tafsir-e-Saghir (An Ahmadi/Qadiani Tafsir), the afterlife is also a natural/physical and promised phenomenon.

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. p.143

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. p.142

Izutsu, Ethico-Religious Concepts, 106.

See, Abdul Basit, Theory of ''Global Islamic State'': A special study of Medinan Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH (A response to Hallaq's impossible state), Seerat Studies Research Journal, Vol.08 Issue: 08 (January-December 2023).

See, Abdul Basit, Islamic Ethics in Political Matters: A Study of Wael Hallaq's Thoughts, Al-Qamar, Vol. 4 No.2

(April-June 2021)

Al-Qur'an, Surah Al-Nisa, Ayah: 135

Al-Qur'an, Surah Al-Ma'idah, Ayah: 08

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.160-171

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.164-184

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.164-166

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. p.219.

See, Muhammad Abdul Malik Ibn Hisham ،Sirat Ibn Hisham, Volume II, Dar al-Kitab, Beirut, p. 123,

See, Muhammad Abdul Malik Ibn Hisham ،Sirat Ibn Hisham, Volume II, Dar al-Kitab, Beirut, p. 116.

See, Abdul Basit, Theory of ''Global Islamic State'': A special study of Medinan Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH (A response to Hallaq's impossible state), Seerat Studies Research Journal, Vol.08 Issue: 08 (January-December 2023).

Wael Hallaq, Namumkin Riyasat (Islam, Siyasat aur Jadidiyat ki Akhlaqi Mushkil), mutarjim Sabir Ali, Legacy Books, Warasat Publications, Lahore. pp.258-260

In the same way, it is presented by Ghamidi Sahab.

Al-Qur'an, Surah Al-Jathiyah, Ayah: 13

Al-Qur'an, Surah Al-Mulk, Ayah: 01

Al-Qur'an, Surah Aal-e-Imran, Ayah: 19

06 Urdu Final July September 2024 Vol 04 Issue 03 Citation Page




How to Cite

Abdul Basit, Javed Iqbal, & Sadia Shabbir. (2024). وائل حلاق کی کتاب’’ناممکن ریاست‘‘ کا تنقیدی وتجزیاتی مطالعہ: A CRITICAL AND ANALYTICAL STUDY OF WAEL HALLAQ’S BOOK “IMPOSSIBLE STATE”. PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS (An International Journal of Islamic & Social Sciences), 4(03), 70–90. Retrieved from https://www.pakistanislamicus.com/index.php/home/article/view/166