ذکری مکتبہ فکر، ابتداء، عقائد ونظریات: ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ
Zikri School of Thought Origin, Faith, and Theories: An Exploratory Study
zikri sect belives, origin history, confusionsAbstract
Catching a glance over Muslim history then it cannot be denied that from time to time different schools of thought come into being in the name of revolution. At the beginning of the Safeen war, the Kawarji group adopted the way of severity and distributed the Muslims into two groups. Likewise, after the Safeen war a conflict between followers of Ameer Mawiya and Azrat Ali started and after Ameer Mawiya the conflict of Kalafat started due to which Sheeyan Ali formed another group. After this, due to the conflict between Qalk Qurani and other philosophies of thought the Mutazili sect came into existence and adopted a different school of thought. After this several schools of thought were adopted in Sub-continent Pak-India. Like Al Adees, Brelevi, Deobandi, and Wahabi sects it was not an unknown fact in the Omat E Muislim such sects came into existence. In which some vanished and some still survive. Among them, the Zikri school of thought is one of those Islamic schools of thought which was founded by Syed Mahmmad Junpori in the 15th century.
The majority of Zikris are from Balochistan. Likewise, a good number of Zikri are from Karachi and Sindh. Arab countries in Bangladesh, Iran, and India have Zikri natives. The epicenter of the Zikri sect is Turbat where the Kohi e Murad is situated. A majority of this sect visits Kohi e Murad annually.
The purpose of this paper is to show the true belief of the Zikri sect and explore its history and a comparison study of this sect with other Islamic sects.
Holy Qur’an 33:41 القرآن، احزاب۔41
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Holy Qur’an 33:41-42 القرآن، احزاب،42-41
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Syed Essa Noori’ zikri tehreek mukhtasar tareekh wa taaruf’ p:93
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Syed Naseer Ahmad ‘Shamah-e- Baseerat ‘(AL-Zakireen welfare Foundation 2018) p:21

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