حضورالتراث الشعبي لمدينة قسطنطينة في الرواية الجزائرية

The Presence of the Folklore of Constantine in the Algerian Novel


  • Asma Saeed
  • Dr Kafait Ullah Hamdani Associate Professor NUML Islamabad


Folklore, Algerian novel, Heritage, Cultural, Civilization, Nations


Heritage is the experiences of our ancestors and their influence on our present day. From a scientific point of view, it is a self-contained cultural science that deals with a specific area of ​​culture (traditional or popular culture), is based on historical and geographical, and sheds light from social and psychological angles. Rather, heritage includes those values ​​and customs that have reached us from the past and are characteristic of acting and influencing our lives, thoughts, ideas and perceptions. In its practical sense, heritage is everything that exists in us or has been with us from the past. Folklore is also essentially one of the types of heritage, as it is about certain folk customs and traditions that are passed down from generation to generation from children and from grandparents to children. Folklore and material from famous life, of which there is little scattered evidence, are used to reconstruct the ancient historical periods of nations and peoples and to highlight and characterise national and national identity. This is an analytical study in which data is gathered from secondary sources; books, articles and online sources. The study shows that the contemporary Algerian novel is related to the popular song of Constantinople and has influenced creative texts. He refers to the art of song practised in the familiar city. It is a finer and better art of music and song that arose and grew from the Andalusian civilisation. It flourished among civilised Western societies, and it continued to grow at a steady and steady pace. It is possible to preserve this art for the contemporary Algerian novel, as the novelists Chau and Nissi show, and show the love of Constantine as an individual for this art because he is at the forefront of what he likes. Comes and describes Kamal al-Thani. The article under review highlights the same importance of folklore and heritage.


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ālmrǧʿ nfsh، 41

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مدخل الخطاب الإيجابي في الرواية، 95

mdẖl ālẖṭāb ālayǧāby fy ālrwāyh, 95

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جسر للبوح وآخر للحنين، 94

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المرجع نفسه، 70-72

ālmrǧʿ nfsh, 70-72

ذاكرة الجسد، 35

ḏākrh ālǧsd, 35

بناء الرواية، 122-145

bnāʾ āl rwāyh122-145

جسر للبوح وأخر للحنين، 52

ǧsr llbwḥ waẖr llḥnyn، 52

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fḍyh fārwq, āktšāf ālšhwh (byrwt, dārṣnʿāʾ, 1424) 201

Cover Page Article Asma Saeed




How to Cite

Saeed, A., & Hamdani, D. K. U. (2022). حضورالتراث الشعبي لمدينة قسطنطينة في الرواية الجزائرية: The Presence of the Folklore of Constantine in the Algerian Novel. PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS (An International Journal of Islamic & Social Sciences), 2(01), 55–64. Retrieved from https://www.pakistanislamicus.com/index.php/home/article/view/25