التكافل على أساس عقد الوقف في باكستان: مراجعة استكشافية
Takaful Based on The Waqf Contract in Pakistan: An Exploratory Review
Takaful, Waqf, Contract, PakistanAbstract
This article of mine is related to the importance and necessity of Takaful and the possible rules and regulations of Takaful in Pakistan. In this article, it is stated that takaful is divided into three parts according to the definition takaful means, bequeathing something, giving as a loan, and endowment of wealth. In this article, the importance and necessity of Takaful have also been discussed in detail, as, what is Takaful in Islam and what are its conditions have been discussed in detail. Five different principles related to Takaful have been included What is the difference between Takaful and Waqf What are the problems of both What is the status of both in Islam How does Takaful affect Waqf What are the basic rules of takaful, what forms of waqf are prevalent in the present era, all these issues are explained in this article of mine.
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رحمانی،خالد سیف اللہ، قاموس الفقہ،ج٥،ص٢٩٣ Rahmani, Khalid Saifullah, Dicționar Al-Fiqh, Vol. 5, p. 293
ايضا ،ج٨ص١٥٣ Ibid, volumul 8, pagina 153
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ایضاً Ibid
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Al-Tirmidhi, Abu Isa, Muhammad bin Isa, Sunan al-Tirmidhi Chapters of al-Tafseer Vol. 2, p. 41
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عصمت الله ، الوضع الشرعي للتكافل ، دار العلوم ، كراتشي ، ص 53 ، 47 Ismatullah, Al-Ashar al-Sharia for Takaful, Darul Uloom, Karachi, p. 53, 47
ابوغدہ، عبدالستار، التبرع والھبة، ص:14 Abu Ghada, Abd al-Sattar, al-Tabbar wal-Haba, p. 14
الصدیق محمد الامین الضریر، پروفیسر تعقیب تأصیل التأمین علی أساس الوقف، ص:92
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Taqi Osmani, Qazi și Shaykh al-Islam, Taseel al-Tamain Ali Asas al-Waqf, pp. 12, 13, 14
ايضا،ص13 Ibid, P13
ايضا،ص14 Ibid, P14
ايضا،ص18 Ibid, P18
ايضا،ص19 Ibid, P19
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Osmani, Muhammed Taqi, Mufti, Risalah Taseel al-Tamin al-Kafali Ali Asas al-Waqf și Hajja al-Da’iya Ilya, Maktaba Darul Uloom Karachi, p. 36
ايضا،ص37 Ibid, P37
ايضا،ص39 Ibid, P39
ايضا،ص41 Ibid, P41
ايضا،ص41 Ibid, P41
ايضا،ص44 Ibid, P44
ايضا،ص45 Ibid, P45
عبد الواحد، مفتی، جدید معاشی مسائل، ص،133 Abdul Wahid, Mufti, Modern Economic Problems, p. 133

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