
  • Dr Fahd Naveed Kausar Assistant Professor, School of Education, Minhaj University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Mehwish Liaqat Lecturer, School of Education, Minhaj University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Sara Abid PhD Scholar, School of Education, Minhaj University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Abdul Malik Khan MPhil Scholar, School of Education, Minhaj University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Mubeen Yaqoob MPhil Scholar, School of Education, Minhaj University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.


Curriculum, Curriculum Implementation, Problems, Causes, Solutions, Secondary School, District Kasur


The study investigated the Problems, Causes, and Solutions in Curriculum Implementation at the Secondary Level in District Kasur: Teachers’ Perceptions. Curriculum implementation is a stage in the curriculum process when in the midst of learning activities, the teacher and learners are involved in negotiation aimed at promoting learning. This is the interactive stage of the curriculum process which takes place in the classroom through the combined effort of the teachers, learners, school administrators and parents. It also integrates the application of physical facilities and the adoption of appropriate pedagogical strategies and methods. The population comprised all public and private secondary schools of district Kasur. Multistage sampling techniques were used. The instrument of study was a questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. The study's findings showed that teachers faced many problems in curriculum implementation and suggested many solutions. It is suggested in this work that senior staff and faculty deans be required to add the responsibility of overseeing their subordinates to the administrative role. Teachers should be appropriately motivated for their noble task with this intense oversight.


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How to Cite

Kausar, D. F. N., Liaqat, M., Abid, S., Khan, A. M., & Yaqoob, M. (2023). PROBLEMS, CAUSES, AND SOLUTIONS IN CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION AT SECONDARY LEVEL IN DISTRICT KASUR: TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS. PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS (An International Journal of Islamic & Social Sciences), 3(2), 403–425. Retrieved from