علم اعراب القرآن‘‘ اور اس پر تصنیف کردہ منتخب کتب :تعارفی مطالعہ’’



  • Shahid Ali Research Associate، Al-Idrak Research Centre, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Dr Saeed Ahmad Saeedi Associate Professor, Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.


Irab-ul-Quran, Uloom ul Quran, Noteworthy Books, Introductory Analysis, Sciences


After creating this universe, Allah Almighty sent His prophets with books and scriptures for the guidance of mankind. These books were rules of life for the respective Ummahs. Since the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the last prophet and the Book revealed upon Him is the final one, Allah Almighty Himself has taken responsibility for its protection. Therefore, in every era, Allah Almighty raises people who dedicate their lives to understanding the Holy Qur'an and do their best in conveying its message to the people. To grasp the true meaning of the Quran, various disciplines, collectively known as Uloom ul Quran, have been developed, and Irab-ul-Quran is one of them. It is a foundational discipline that equips individuals with the linguistic tools necessary to unravel the Quran's linguistic nuances and uncover its hidden treasures. It also enables individuals to identify and rectify potential errors in translation or interpretation. In a text as profound and delicate as the Quran, even minor mistakes in Irab can potentially alter the meaning of a verse or obscure its intended message. Therefore, the pursuit of Ilm e Irab-ul-Quran is not just an academic endeavor; it is a sacred duty for those who seek to truly comprehend the Holy Quran and convey its message with authenticity and precision.


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ترکیب زنجیری ایسی ترکیب ہے جس میں الفاظ کی اعرابی کیفیت کے ساتھ ساتھ ان کی لغوی ، صرفی اور نحوی بحث بھی کی جاتی ہے جبکہ ترکیب قہقری میں الفاظ کی اعرابی کیفیت ہی کو بیان کیا جاتا ہے۔

09 Urdu Final July Dec 2023 Vol 03 Issue 02 Citation Page




How to Cite

Ali, S., & Ahmad Saeedi, D. S. (2023). علم اعراب القرآن‘‘ اور اس پر تصنیف کردہ منتخب کتب :تعارفی مطالعہ’’: EXPLORING THE SCIENCES OF IRAB UL QURAN: AN INTRODUCTORY ANALYSIS AND NOTEWORTHY BOOKS IN THE FIELD. PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS (An International Journal of Islamic & Social Sciences), 3(03), 159–178. Retrieved from https://www.pakistanislamicus.com/index.php/home/article/view/82