
  • Sana Rasool MPhil Scholar, Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Ayesha Shabbir Lecturer, Institute of Arabic & Islamic Studies, The Govt. College Women University Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Aqsa Hussain MPhil Scholar, Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.


Atheism, Ex-Muslims, Atheist, Islamophobia, God's Existence


Although Atheism cannot be considered a modern phenomenon, to say that it has never reached its current level is not hyperbole. This is obvious that Atheism has now become a serious challenge ideologically and morally for Muslim societies. Atheism among Muslim-born populations has historically been of minor importance. It appeared especially negligible during the surge of Islam liking over the past half-century. But no longer, Atheism has turned into a significant force with the potential to affect not just the lives of individuals but also societies and even governments. As a Muslim, it’s our duty to eradicate anything that is harming Islam or Muslims, and indeed, there is no harm greater than snatching someone’s faith and life ideology.


Review: The Curse of God: Why I Left Islam, Amazon, Online available at:, retrieved on 09-06-2023

Harris Sultan, (2018), The Curse of God: Why I left Islam, Xlibris Au publishers, 11

Richard Dawkins, Twitter, 26 July 2021, online available at:, retrieved on 10-06-2023

Harris Sultan, (2018), The Curse of God: Why I left Islam, Xlibris Au publishers, 75


The Qur'an, 15:49, 50

The Qur'an, 30:21

Harris Sultan, (2018), The Curse of God: Why I left Islam, Xlibris Au publishers, 96


Ibid, 97

Safi Ur Rehman Mubarak puri, (May 2002), Ar Raheek Al Maktoum, Lahore: Maqtaba Salfia, 312

Ibn Hisham, Al-Sira al-Nabawiyya,(2006), United Kingdom: Garner Publishing Limited, Vol:2, 219

Suleyman Sertkaya, Zuleyha Keskin, (5 November 2020)"A Prophetic Stance against Violence: An Analysis of the Peaceful Attitude of Prophet Muhammad during the Medinan Period", Journal Religions, Vol:11, No: 11, 587

Dave," Belief, disbelief, and human rights – Walking the tightrope", Skeptical Science, 09-03-2017, Online available at:, retrieved on 04-06-2023

Review: The Atheist Muslim: A Journey from Religion to Reason by Ali A. Rizvi, ebooks, Online available at:, retrieved on 05-06-2023

Review: The Atheist Muslim: A Journey from Religion to Reason by Ali A. Rizvi, Macmillan Publishers, online available at:, retrieved on 05-2023

Fiona Capp, " The Atheist Muslim review: Ali A. Rizvi's account of his relationship with Islam", The Sydney Morning Herald, 06-02-2017, online available at:

Ali Amjad Rizvi, (2016), The Atheist Muslim: A Journey from Religion to Reason, ( New York: St Martin's Press, n.d.), quotation is written on title page of book(2016)

Ali Amjad Rizvi, (2016), The Atheist Muslim: A Journey from Religion to Reason, ( New York: St Martin's Press, n.d.), 199

Ali Amjad Rizvi, (2016), The Atheist Muslim: A Journey from Religion to Reason, ( New York: St Martin's Press, n.d.), 154

Ali Amjad Rizvi, (2016), The Atheist Muslim: A Journey from Religion to Reason, ( New York: St Martin's Press, n.d.), 169

The Qur'an, 24:31

Ali Amjad Rizvi, (2016) The Atheist Muslim: A Journey from Religion to Reason, ( New York: St Martin's Press, n.d.), 169

Ali Amjad Rizvi, (2016), The Atheist Muslim: A Journey from Religion to Reason, ( New York: St Martin's Press, n.d.), 170

The Qur'an, 67:03

Ismail Ibn Umer Ibn Kaseer, (1998),Tafseer Al-Quran Al- Azeem ,Berut: Dar ul Kutub Al Ilmiyah, Vol:7, 406

The Qur'an, 21:35

Timothy J. Keller, (2013) Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering, New York: Dutton, 95

The Qur'an, 57:03

Romans, 16:26

Immanuel Kant, (February 28, 1999), Critique of Practical Reason, translated by Paul Guyer, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 43

Ara Norenzayan, Will M. Gervais, (2013), "The origins of religious disbelief ", Trends Cognitive Sciences, No:1, Vol:17, 23

The Qur'an, 41:53

39 Eng Final Oct Dec 2023 Vol 03 Issue 03 Citation Page




How to Cite

Rasool, S., Shabbir, A., & Hussain, A. (2023). ATHEISM IN MUSLIM SOCIETIES: PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS W.R.F TO THE PAKISTANI EX-MUSLIM ATHEISTS’ LITERATURE. PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS (An International Journal of Islamic & Social Sciences), 3(03), 577–593. Retrieved from