مصلحت کی حجیت و فعالیت اور اس کے شرعی اطلاقات: ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ
Legitimacy, Functionality, Maslahah, Juridical Applications, Independent Legal Reasoning.Abstract
This research offers an in-depth analysis of the concept of maslahah (public interest or welfare), its legitimacy, functionality, and its juridical applications within Islamic jurisprudence. Maslahah has emerged as a fundamental principle in Islamic legal thought, allowing for flexibility and adjustments in the application of Islamic rulings, provided they do not contradict the essential teachings of Islam. Through maslahah, Islamic jurists have sought to balance religious prescriptions with the practical needs of society, ensuring that the spirit of Islamic law remains intact while addressing contemporary issues. This study examines the legitimacy (hujiyyah) of maslahah—its legal validity—and its functionality in addressing various legal and social issues within the framework of Islamic law. The analysis explores how maslahah facilitates the easing of legal rulings in certain circumstances, while maintaining adherence to the objectives of Shariah. The research also considers the conditions under which maslahah can be applied to avoid any conflict with the foundational principles of Islamic jurisprudence, such as the preservation of faith, life, intellect, lineage, and property. The paper delves into different interpretations of maslahah across various Islamic schools of thought, examining its role in shaping legal decisions and its social implications. The study highlights how maslahah has been utilized by jurists to address evolving societal needs and contemporary challenges, while ensuring the preservation of Shariah objectives.
This study aims to clarify the legal status of maslahah, analyze its use in Islamic legal decisions, and evaluate its broader implications in Islamic legal theory, political thought, and social life. It offers a comprehensive exploration of maslahah’s role in modern Islamic jurisprudence, its boundaries, and its potential as a tool for ijtihad (independent legal reasoning).
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Refer to "Minhāj al-Uṣūl" for further details.

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