سعید حوی کا نظریہ قرآنی وحدت موضوعی، اہمیت وانفرادیت



  • Dr Muhammad Zakir Hashmi Department of Islamic Studies, Government Islamia Graduate College Sargodha Road Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Sadia Shabbir PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Government College University, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.
  • Dr Abdul Basit Founder & Chairman Muslim Research Scholars Organization / Faculty Member, Department of Islamic Studies, Virtual University of Pakistan.


Quranic Thematic Unity, Axis and Summary, Quran, Orientalist, Objections.


There are different views of Quranic experts regarding the order and propriety in the verses and surahs of the Holy Quran but Saeed Hawwa took a unique view. He described Surah Baqarah as the axis and Summary of the entire Holy Quran, while the rest of the Surahs are the details of Baqarah. He adapted his theory in the eleven volumes of Al-Asas fi al-Tafseer. The Shaykh called this theory "Qur'anic Thematic Unity"_ and he is unique in this theory, through the successful application of which he rejected the Orientalist objections of incoherence to the Holy Qur'an. Apart from this work, the miracle of the Qur'an was confirmed, the frequency of interpretations was determined and the understanding of the Qur'an was facilitated.


Al-Suyūtī, Abd ‘Abdul Raḥmān, Al-Itaqān fī- ‘Ulūm Al-Qūrān, Al-Qāhrā: Al-Halabī, 2/128.

Dr. Darāz, Mūhammad ‘Abdullah, Al-nabā Al-azīm, mutabaa Al-s‘aādat, 1̱9̱6̱9̱, Pg# 1̱5̱3̱,1̱5̱4̱.

Al-Baqarah, 2:26.27.

S‘aīd ḥawwyā, Al- Āsās fī - Al-tafsīr, 1̱2̱9̱5̱.

Al-Baqarah, 2:28,29.

S‘aīd ḥawwyā, Al- Āsās fī - Al-tafsīr, 9/45.

S‘aīd ḥawwyā, Al- Āsās fī - Al-tafsīr, 1/21.

S‘aīd ḥawwyā, Al- Āsās fī - Al-tafsīr, 1/25.

The Encyclopedia Britaniaca, p: 598

The Encyclopedia Britaniaca, p: 598

The Encyclopedia Britanica, p: 598

Thomas Carlyle, The Here As Prophet, Islamic Service League Bombay

William Mure, The life of Muhammad Vol,IP.vii, Edinburgh 1923

Noldeke, Theodor, Sketches as From Eastern History, Khajat Bervit, P: 40,41,51

Watt, Montgomery, Muhammad at Makkah Oxford, 1953. P: 60

Hirshcfold, New Researches Into the Composition and Exegeses of the Quran University of London 1902, P: 33-36

S‘aīd ḥawwyā, Al- Āsās fī - Al-tafsīr, Pg# 26

S‘aīd ḥawwyā, Al- Āsās fī - Al-tafsīr, Pg# 28

02 Urdu Final October December 2024 Vol 04 Issue 04 Citation Page




How to Cite

Muhammad Zakir Hashmi, Sadia Shabbir, & Abdul Basit. (2024). سعید حوی کا نظریہ قرآنی وحدت موضوعی، اہمیت وانفرادیت: SAEED HAWWA’S THEORY OF QUR’ANIC THEMATIC UNIT IMPORTANCE AND INDIVIDUALITY. PAKISTAN ISLAMICUS (An International Journal of Islamic & Social Sciences), 4(04), 17–23. Retrieved from https://www.pakistanislamicus.com/index.php/home/article/view/181